29 Kasım 2012 Perşembe
27 Kasım 2012 Salı
26 Kasım 2012 Pazartesi
25 Kasım 2012 Pazar
When I Use a Word

'The question is,' said Alice, 'whether you can make words mean so many different things.'
'The question is,' said Humpty Dumpty, 'which is to be master — that's all.'
"Quand j’emploie un mot, dit Humpty Dumpty avec un certain mépris, il signifie ce que je veux qu’il signifie, ni plus ni moins.
La question est de savoir, dit Alice, si vous pouvez faire que les mêmes mots signifient tant de choses différentes
La question est de savoir, dit Humpty Dumpty, qui est le maître, c’est tout."
Lewis Carroll - Alice in Wonderland - Alice au Pays des Merveilles
Küçümseyen bir tavırla "Bir sözcük kullandım mı," dedi Humpty Dumpty, "o ben ne demek istemişsem tam da onu içerir, ne bir eksiğini ne bir fazlasını."
"Sorun bilmek bence," dedi Alice. "Nasıl yapılacağını biliyorsanız aynı sözcükle bir çok şeyi ifade etmek mümkün."
"Evet, sorun bilmek," dedi Humpty Dumpty. "Ama kimin hükmettiğini bilmek. Hepsi bu."
24 Kasım 2012 Cumartesi
Que Font Les Artistes Modernes? - Jean Baudrillard

Mais si on y réfléchit
bien, que font les artistes modernes de toute façon? Est-ce que tout comme les
artistes de la Renaissance pensaient faire de la peinture religieuse et
peignaient en fait des œuvres d’art, nos artistes modernes qui pensent produire des œuvres d’art,
ne font pas tout autre chose? Est-ce que les objets qu’ils produisent ne sont
pas tout autre chose que l’art? Des objets-fétiches par exemple, mais des
fétiches désenchantés, des objets purement décoratifs á l’usage temporel (Roger
Caillois dirait, des ornements hyperboliques). Des objets littéralement
superstitieux au sens où ils ne relèvent plus d’une nature sublime de l’art et
ne répondent pas moins l’idée et la superstition de l’art sous toutes ses
formes. Des fétiches donc, de même inspirations que le fétichisme sexuel, qui
lui aussi est sexuellement indifférent : en constituant son objet en
fétiche, il dénie á la fois la réalité du sexe (qui, elle, bien sûr, est
asexuée). De la même façon, nous ne croyons plus en l’art, mais seulement en l’idée
de l’art (qui elle-même, bien sûr, n’a rien d’esthétique.)
What is it that modern artists do?
"If you really think about it, what is it that modern artists do? Like the Renaissance artists who thought they were painting religious pictures but in fact were making works of art, are our modern artists, who think they are making works of art, actually doing something else? Are the objects they produce not perhaps something else entirely? Like fetish objects, for example? – Demystified fetishes, though, purely decorative objects for secular use (Roger Caillois might say 'hyperbolic ornaments'). Objects of superstition in the literal sense that they no longer depend upon the sublime nature of art and no longer correspond to a profound belief in art, yet continue nevertheless to perpetuate the idea, the superstition of art in all its forms. Fetishes, therefore, of the same inspiration as sexual fetishism, which is itself sexually neutral: by making its object a fetish, it simultaneously denies the reality of sex and of sexual pleasure. It does not believe in sex: it believes only in the idea of sex (which in itself is, of course, asexual). In the same fashion, we no longer believe in art, but only in the idea of art (which in itself, of course, has nothing aesthetic about it)
23 Kasım 2012 Cuma
Hacker Önerileri - Kim kim?
Sosyal ağ adı altında
güvenlik birimleri ve ticari kuruluşlara kişisel veri satan kurumların bilgi
bankasına girip tüm kişisel bilgileri birbirine karıştırmak.
Suggestions to Hackers - Who is who?
Suggestions to Hackers - Who is who?
Disheveling information bank of the companies
under the name of social network who sell personal data to the security
agencies and commercial organizations.
aux Hackers – Qui est qui?
la banque d’information des entreprises sous le nom de « réseau sociale »
qui vendent des données personnelles aux agences de sécurité et les
organisations commerciales.
ŞOK! Kimsenin bu satıştan haberi olmadı.
Dün Galaktik Süpernova
Yüksek Konseyi’nde gerçekleştirilen açık arttırma sonunda bizler tarafından Dünya olarak bilinen P-32.14567 kod numaralı gezegen 3.123.999 tikaya Hap-o-uk Grubu’na
Nobody heard of anything about this news
Yesterday, by an auction took place in Galactic Supernova Supreme Council, sale of the planet with P-32.14567 code number, known by us as Earth, has been realized to the Hap-o-uk Group.
Nobody heard of anything about this news
Yesterday, by an auction took place in Galactic Supernova Supreme Council, sale of the planet with P-32.14567 code number, known by us as Earth, has been realized to the Hap-o-uk Group.
Personne n’a entendu rien
sur cette nouvelle!
Hier, la planète au code P.3214567
que nous le savons comme “le monde”, a été vendu aux enchères de Haut Conseil Galactique
de Supernova au Groupe de Hap-o-uk.
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