30 Eylül 2013 Pazartesi
The Way To Appear More Intelligent!
...Negative or unkind people were seen as less likeable but more intelligent, competent and expert than those who expressed the same messages in gentler ways...
Research of Teresa Amabile
28 Eylül 2013 Cumartesi
Paket Program
Geçmişle yüzleşelim mottosu bugünün eleştirisini yoketmek, hedef saptırmak için yaratıldı. Tarihin tüm yanlışları aktif olarak içinde olduğumuz günde saklıyken...
Packed Program
Confronting the past motto has been created to shatter the daily critic and divert attention from primary target. While whole mistakes of the past were burrowed actively in our every day...
Packed Program
Confronting the past motto has been created to shatter the daily critic and divert attention from primary target. While whole mistakes of the past were burrowed actively in our every day...
27 Eylül 2013 Cuma
Atheist For Moral Reasons
I am an atheist for moral reasons. I am of the opinion that you would recognize a creator by his creation, and the world appears to me to be put together in such a painful way that I prefer to believe that it was not created by anyone than to think that somebody created this intentionally.
Stanislaw Lem
Stanislaw Lem
22 Eylül 2013 Pazar
Dert Etmeyin
Tarihi yanlış yazdıysanız dert etmeyin, televizyonla silin, filmlerle tekrar yazın, yalancı jürilere alkışlatın...
Don't worry if you made mistakes while writing the history, erase it with television, rewright with films, make it applause to perjurers.
Don't worry if you made mistakes while writing the history, erase it with television, rewright with films, make it applause to perjurers.
Fütüristik Yazarlara Uyarı
Aklınıza distopya fikri gelirse kendinize saklayın, uluslararası şirketler uygulamak için aportta bekliyor.
Warning For The Futuristic Novelists
If some dystopic idea strikes you, keep it in the vault, international companies wait in ambush to apply it.
Warning For The Futuristic Novelists
If some dystopic idea strikes you, keep it in the vault, international companies wait in ambush to apply it.
Dünyada herşey büyümeye endekslendi ama büyüklüğü değil işlevi önemli!
Everything in the world has been indexed to the growth, but its function is important not his size!
Everything in the world has been indexed to the growth, but its function is important not his size!
Kendine Aşk
Kendine yabancılaşan insan artık kendine aşık olabilir, bunda saçma bir taraf yok.
Person that has become estranged from himself, can fall in love with himself consequently, there is nothing wrong about that.
Person that has become estranged from himself, can fall in love with himself consequently, there is nothing wrong about that.
Ezilen Tek Sınıf
Emperyalizm çağında sınıf millettir.
Kapitalizm çağında sınıflar burjuvazi ve proleteryadır. Çelişme ise ikisi arasındadır; burjuvazinin sermayesi ile proletaryanın emeği arasında...
Emperyalizm çağında ise proletaryadan başlayarak milli burjuvaziye kadar uzanan tüm katmanlar, tek bir sınıftır, yani millettir. Çelişme ise ezen milletler ile ezilen milletler arasındadır.
Mehmet Ali Güller
In the epoch of imperialism, the class is the nation.
In the epoch of capitalism, classes are bourgeoisie and proletariat. The contradiction occurs between these two, the capital of the bourgeoisie and labour of the proletariat...
According to the epoch of imperialism, all the classes, starting from proletariat, extending to the national bourgeoisie, are a single class, so to say, the nation. The contradiction as for that appears between these two; oppressor nations and the oppressed...
Kapitalizm çağında sınıflar burjuvazi ve proleteryadır. Çelişme ise ikisi arasındadır; burjuvazinin sermayesi ile proletaryanın emeği arasında...
Emperyalizm çağında ise proletaryadan başlayarak milli burjuvaziye kadar uzanan tüm katmanlar, tek bir sınıftır, yani millettir. Çelişme ise ezen milletler ile ezilen milletler arasındadır.
Mehmet Ali Güller
In the epoch of imperialism, the class is the nation.
In the epoch of capitalism, classes are bourgeoisie and proletariat. The contradiction occurs between these two, the capital of the bourgeoisie and labour of the proletariat...
According to the epoch of imperialism, all the classes, starting from proletariat, extending to the national bourgeoisie, are a single class, so to say, the nation. The contradiction as for that appears between these two; oppressor nations and the oppressed...
18 Eylül 2013 Çarşamba
Ruh Obezitesi
Ruh obezitesi neden dikkate alınmıyor? Acıyla, sessizlikle, güçle, kompleksle beslenip iğrenç kara devlere dönüşen, hayatın enerjisini bir şokella gibi emen obez ruhlar ne olacak?
Why don't we take seriously enough spirit obesity? What will happen to these repulsive dark giants being fed with pain, silence, power and obsession, who suck energy of life like chocolate creams in tubes.
Why don't we take seriously enough spirit obesity? What will happen to these repulsive dark giants being fed with pain, silence, power and obsession, who suck energy of life like chocolate creams in tubes.
Where We Come From?
But that is who we are, that is where we come from. We are the offspring of metropolitan annihilation and destruction, of the war of all against all, of the conflict of each individual with every other individual, of a system governed by fear, of the compulsion to produce, of the profit of one to the detriment of others, of the division of people into men and women, young and old, sick and healthy, foreigners and Germans, and of the struggle for prestige. Where do we come from? From isolation in individual row-houses, from the suburban concrete cities, from prison cells, from the asylums and special units, from media brainwashing, from consumerism, from corporal punishment, from the ideology of nonviolence, from depression, from illness, from degradation, from humiliation, from the debasement of human beings, from all the people exploited by imperialism.
Ulrike Meinhoff
Ulrike Meinhoff
17 Eylül 2013 Salı
Photo Compilation
Endgame (Coulrophobia) - Nuit Blanche Toronto by Max Streicher
Alex Howitt
A 700-year-old home in Azerbaijan Iran
Kenya, 1992 by Jean-Claude Coutausse
Monochromatic Portraits Emerge from an Italian Haystack
Paula Layton
Paula Layton
Robert Capa takes a picture of an 80-year old Henri Matisse painting with a bamboo pole tipped with charcoal in his studio at Nice around the year 1949
Rodney Smith
William Harley - Arthur Davidson 1914
16 Eylül 2013 Pazartesi
Sırası Geldi
Kendinden sıkıldığın yeter, şimdi sıra deliliğini buna ikna etmekte!
It's Time
You enough have been bored from yourself, now it's time to convince your madness to it.
It's Time
You enough have been bored from yourself, now it's time to convince your madness to it.
12 Eylül 2013 Perşembe
Weird Contradiction
To conduct an argument on the basis naturally bored him, as though, for instance, he had been affirming the salubriousness of ocean swimming and I was contradicting him on the basis that I had almost drowned last year.
Final Circle Of The Paradise - Arkadi & Boris Strugatski
Final Circle Of The Paradise - Arkadi & Boris Strugatski
11 Eylül 2013 Çarşamba
Yeni İbadethane
Ateistlerin günde beş vakit yapıcı tartışmalar yapabileceği bir ibadethaneye ihtiyacı var.
A New Sanctuary
Atheists need a sanctuary to realize constructive debates five times a day...
A New Sanctuary
Atheists need a sanctuary to realize constructive debates five times a day...
Hani arkadaşın salakça bir şey anlatırken bir ara seni dürter de geçen güzel bir kızı kaçırırsın ya. Hayat da böyle bir şey işte.
You know, sometimes, some of your friends, while telling something stupid, would poke you and you'd miss a beautiful girl passing by. Well, life is something like that.
You know, sometimes, some of your friends, while telling something stupid, would poke you and you'd miss a beautiful girl passing by. Well, life is something like that.
Love and Hunger
Love and hunger. Satisfy love and hunger and you'll see a happy man. On condition, of course, that your man is secure about the next day. All the utopias of all times are based on this simplest of considerations. Free a man of the worry about his daily bread and about the morrow, and he will become truly free and happy I am deeply convinced that children, yes, precisely the children, are man's ideal. I see the most profound meaning in the remarkable similarity between a child and the carefree man who is the object of utopia.
The Final Circle Of Paradise - Arkadi& Boris Strugatsky
The Final Circle Of Paradise - Arkadi& Boris Strugatsky
Sadece kaosun içinde açan küçük kızıl çiçekler vardır
Sadece kaosun içinde açan küçük kızıl çiçekler vardır, filiz verdi mi yüzlerde çocuksu onurlu gülüşler açtıran, yoksulun tamtakır karnına doyma hissi kazandırıp, insanı insana inandıran, yalanla karşılaştığında solup, empatiyi farketti mi göğsünü sonuna kadar açarak bembeyaz kalbine yerleşmiş acıma hissini ortaya seren...
There are tiny red flowers that open out only in chaos, when they blossom, childish, honorable smiles flourish on faces, bare stomachs get filled with a feeling of satiation, make man believe to another, encountering with a lie, get pale, realizing empathy, open wide their heart, spreading out the sense of compassion settled down there in the middle.
There are tiny red flowers that open out only in chaos, when they blossom, childish, honorable smiles flourish on faces, bare stomachs get filled with a feeling of satiation, make man believe to another, encountering with a lie, get pale, realizing empathy, open wide their heart, spreading out the sense of compassion settled down there in the middle.
10 Eylül 2013 Salı
9 Eylül 2013 Pazartesi
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