27 Ağustos 2013 Salı

Earthless - Sonic Prayer

After Jimmy Hendrix, the most talented guitarist, Isaiah Mitchell

Magic Pie - Circus of Life

Norwegian Band
Kim Stenberg / guitars, vocals
Lars Petter Holstad / bass
Allan Olsen / lead vocals
Eirik Hanssen / lead vocals
Jan Torkild Jahannessen / drums
Gilbert Marshall / keyboards, lead vocals

23 Ağustos 2013 Cuma

How to dance properly on Get Lucky

Punky Reggea Party - Bob Marley

What Makes a Story - Ursula K. LeGuin

I use bodily similes not mechanical ones, walking, running, dancing, not driving fast or slow in a car or flying in a plane, because I think art depends on rhythms, and body rhythms are what writers use. Mechanical rhythms, non-rhythmic movement like in a car or plane, may be used successfully in mechanical arts, like the movies. But writing, whatever its medium, is made of words, and words are bodily, made with the body and the breath, received by the body, felt with the body, and the rhythms of words are bodily rhythms.

"A story has a beginning, a middle, and an end:"  This comes from Aristotle, and it splendidly describes a great many stories from the European narrative tradition, but it doesn't describe all stories. It's a recipe for steak, it's not a recipe for tamales. The three-part division is typically European, and I would say that it's also typically European in putting emphasis on the end — on where the story goes, what you get to.

21 Ağustos 2013 Çarşamba

Kuru Göldeki Ördek - Epub

Gündelik Yaşamın Hiper Realistik Absürditesine Yakından Bakış
Farklı janrlarda ürün veren Çağan Dikenelli, Melek Teyze adlı roman dizisiyle başarılı bir polisiye yazarı olduğunu göstermişti. Bu kez yazar, sınırları zorlayan bir mizah örneği sergiliyor. Kuru Göldeki Ördek, nerede olduğu bilinmeyen bir ülkede, Malabak Kasabası'nda geçen bir absürd komedi. Sofuluk ve yozlaşmanın uç boyutlara vardığı bu distopyada okur, fantastik öğelerin de yer aldığı acı bir gerçeklikle yüzleşiyor. 

Fosurgama Filmcilik yapımı olan Kuru Göldeki Ördek, yazarın sinema alanındaki deneyim ve birikiminin izlerini taşıyan filmsi bir roman. Goldo Madencilik'in sahibi ve kasabanın büyük patronu Thomas Bey, uyurgezer Kaymakam Bey, çoğu zaman birbirinden farklı konuşan iki ağzıyla Komiser Haluk, zehirli atık dolu topraklarda zombileşmiş atrıklar, ünlü Amerikalı dedektifler Burt ve Mike, Çağan Dikenelli'nin çoksesli absürd romanının kahramanlarından sadece birkaçı.

Kuru Göldeki Ördek romanını Epub olarak alttaki linke tıklayıp indirebilir, bir ebook reader programıyla okuyabilirsiniz.
Kuru Göldeki Ördek - Epub

Mezarlığın yanından ıslık çalarak geçilir derler, peki ya tımarhaneye dönmüş bir şehirden? Kahkahalar atarak. Fakat kahkaha atmak için iyi bir bahane, aklı harekete geçiren bir olay gerek. İşte Kuru Göldeki Ördek (Plan B Yayınları, 2010) adlı roman tam da böyle bir bahane, böyle bir olay.
Sabri Gürses'in kitap hakkındaki eleştirisi için

19 Ağustos 2013 Pazartesi


Lucifer was the favourite archangel of the god of the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims. When he tried to raise his throne higher than the stars, that god turned him to ash, consuming him in the fire of his own beauty.
The same god banished Adam and Eve, the first people, the ones with no belly buttons, because they wanted to know divine glory. And he punished the builders of the Tower of Babel for committing the insolence of trying to reach up to heaven...

Eduardo Galeano - Mirrors

Paul Hellyer's Speech

Say to the cops. We're back in town!

16 Ağustos 2013 Cuma

Origin Of The World Trade Organization

They needed a god of trade. From his throne on Olympus, Zeus surveyed his family. He did not have to ponder long. Hermes was the god for the job.
Zeus gave him sandals with little gold wings and put him in charge of promoting the exchange of goods, the signing of treaties, and the safeguarding of free trade.
Hermes, who would become Mercury in rome, was chosen because he was the best liar.

(Mirrors - Eduardo Mendoza)

A Dangerous Weapon

In more than thirty countries, tradition insists the clitoris be severed. That slash confirms the husband's right of property over his woman or his women. The mutilators call this crime against female pleasure "purification" and they explain that the clitoris
is a poison dart
is a scorpion's tail
is a termites' nest
kills men or makes them ill
excites women
poisons their milk
and makes them insatiable
and crazy as can be...

(Mirrors - Eduardo Mendoza)

Guillermo del Toro's sketches

Guillermo del Toro's sketches reveal his At the Mountains of Madness

14 Ağustos 2013 Çarşamba

And The Oscar Goes To Mursi Supporters!!!

What is Disagreement?

"Disagreement is not the conflict between one who says white and another who says black. It is the conflict between one who says white and another who also says white but does not understand the same thing by it or does not understand that the other is saying the same thing in the name of whiteness."

Jacques Ranciére 

Görüş ayrılığı, beyaz diyenle siyah diyen arasındaki bir çatışma değildir. Beyaza beyaz diyen birisiyle beyaz derken aynı şeyi anlamayan  ya da diğer kişinin beyaz kavramıyla ilgili söylediklerini kavrayamayan birisinin çatışmasıdır.

The Wall

Waters is unwilling to draw conclusions from his criticisms of capitalism and the government. He does not want to lean too far in any one direction. Waters carefully prepares the concert’s projections to give equal consideration to American soldiers who have died in the wars and to civilian victims. Along with the cross, Star of David and the dollar sign, he shows B-52s dropping crescent moons and hammer and sickles! This can only confuse the audience. What exactly is to replace the chilling slavery and mayhem that Waters so boldly presents to the audience as their reality? What action can we take? Certainly The Wall’s unaltered conclusion, that “the bleeding hearts and the artists” in their “ones” and “twos” are burdened with task of correcting the world, is inadequate and irresponsible to suggest. Why bring audiences together and rip part of the façade off capitalism only to tell the audience that there is nothing for them to do—that, as the New Left used to say, “all ideologies are wrong” and what we need is common decency?

Terrence McGovern - 6 October 2010 --- Articlink

13 Ağustos 2013 Salı

Every Hour Every Minute Same Quest

Man, has been rewarded with dead because of his everlasting quest in the pursuit of serenity, ongoing every hour, every minute...

L’homme qui ne cesse pas rechercher la sérénité pendant toute sa vie, à travers des heures, des minutes, a été récompensé par la mort.

İnsan her gün her saat bitmek bilmeyen bir huzur arayışında olduğu için ölümle ödüllendirilmiştir.

That Level

Kaderini izleyecek düzeye geldiğinde dünyanın en absürd filmini seyretme şansına kavuşacaksın.

When you'll achieve the level that you could watch your fate, you'll have the chance to see the most absurd film in the world...

Lorsque tu atteindras au niveau ou tu pourras suivre ton destin tu trouveras la chance de regarder le film le plus absurde dans le monde.

New Hopes

Bring your worn-out frustrations, in return take new hopes,

Eskimiş hüsranlarınızı getirin, karşılığında yeni umutlar alın.

Amenez vos décéptions usées, en contrepartie prenez des espoirs neufs.

Z.Ling Shu

Nijah Lefevre

12 Ağustos 2013 Pazartesi

Captain Beefheart & Magic Band - Sure 'nuff 'n Yes I do

Amerikan Demokrasisi

Without educating peasants, without giving a job to workers, without everybody owns a piece of land, democracy never comes. There is two type of democracy, for real democracy the people has to be trained tightly, but us, we choose the democracy of Unites States of America, throw our vote to the ballow box and named it as democracy...

İsmail Hakkı Tonguç - One of the Village Institutes formers.

King Crimson-The Power to Believe.(Part 1 to 4.)

11 Ağustos 2013 Pazar

You saw nothing yet!

“If you think this Universe is bad, you should see some of the others.” ― Philip K. Dick

Dying for his country...

No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country. George S. Patton